Just published my capstone work - "Secrets to the Law of Attraction" - which wraps up a series I had started on the Law of Attraction.
I got the last few of the Law of Attraction Classics Series up on Lulu - which means all these great authors are again published in a readable format and ready for you to improve your life with. So I posted all that data on A Modern View for you to peruse at your leisure.
This book (and its series) will be my first foray into Article Marketing, as well as Autoresponders.
There is an intense set of brain-racking I have to do to pull this all off, since it gets rather involved when I am marketing not just a single book, but a series of over 15 - which each refer to one or another in this series. My capstone book, of course, ties them all together.
So I'll not just have a single ecourse, but several. I'll also have surveys galore - all with free bonus books and/or special reports which people can get.
The general plan would be to have each individual book linked to Secrets to the Law of Attraction, and to each other. So a person can enter at any point and find the other books. The trick is how you link them all.
You have to link them logically.
For instance, Trine's work influenced Holmes, as well as Norman Vincent Peale and Fillmore - who published Atkinson, who also studied Troward. Atkinson wrote his book as a course, so there's the free ecourse, with links to Fillmore, Dumont, and Troward, but also to Secrets.
Atkinson and Fillmore were prolific, so I have a great deal of freebies to give away when someone signs up for anything.
There is a trick in how to start - but simply I would start by writing a slew of articles and offering the free ecourse at the bottom.
What I am actually going to do at this point is to get out my various PDF's and stuff on this area and review it for what other suggest my sequence should be.
Material to use is not my short suit.
And after I get it all up and running, then there's the maintenance to do. But those are other days.
I figure next week will be most of the crunch in this area.
Now, after that, I'm getting back onto my "Internet Millionaire Plan" - which is a book I'm writing on what I had to learn about marketing after publishing on Lulu. And once I've got this book up on its own (using what I'm writing about to get the book marketed - as I finish writing the book), then I'm planning to catch up on my marketing of the Go Thunk Yourself series.
After all that is wrapped up, other than posting some articles regularly, I'll be heading into my artwork - for good this time.
Looks like nothing but fun ahead.
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The farm, meanwhile, is busy getting me "gimped up" from all the various strains and work I've been having to do. Planting and haying is all coming along at about the same time, due to the wet spring we've been having. I've got a bit more to do, but am taking the day off today in order to rest up. I've got my "day job" to do this weekend (two 10-hour days), so I have to get some of these joints and muscles rested a bit.
Besides, it finally rained again (yes, after all that, we got dry to the point of being parched - and what I just planted won't grow with no water), so I can "afford" to take a breather.
Ok, now we are generally up to date.
Hope your world isn't running as frenetic - unless you like it that way...
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