Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Still trying to find the perfect, well, useful article submission program

Really have to write a full review on what I've found to date on these article submitter programs. There is one free one which works, but takes a while - still faster than doing it by hand. I've got a paid one for $47 which is community supported and looks nice - but only allows a single set up, which means I have to find another solution for multiple sites and squeeze pages.

I was trying the demo to a $160 program which advertized those features, however when I rebooted my machine (you got to love Windoze), the program said I no longer had any rights. Nice.

Checking out other programs show that only this bum demo above had that particular feature.

I even found a blog that only reviews article submitter software - too bad they reviewed only pay-and-use versions. CNET has some great ones which are free, as well as paid-for ones.

Just a note. No, the world isn't perfect, yet.

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