Sunday, May 28, 2017

The Miracles of Your Mind

The Miracles of Your Mind by Joseph MurphyHow to Harness the Infinite Power of Your Mind

In this work Dr. Joseph Murphy expands on his theory that the latent powers inherent in our subconscious can improve our lives. He discusses the two minds that each of us possess; the objective mind and the subjective mind, and how to integrate them. He also explains how to harness of the power of mind, especially the subconscious min. Dr. Murphy provides specific steps to nourish your conscious mind with the tools and attitudes that will open up the infinite power of your subconscious mind. Whether you wish to conquer a bad habit, be more successful, obtain harmony in your family, or achieve goals that have thus far been unattainable, you will be given guidelines to put you on the right path.

Here Dr. Mur­phy reveals the inner workings of the subconscious mind, and makes this book one of the most practical guides in overcoming the troubles that beset mankind. The amazing results, “mir­acles,” some might call them, reported by those who attended Dr. Murphy’s lectures on The Miracles of the Your Mind brought hundreds of letters from others who wanted to learn how to tap the infinite power of the subconscious mind. In this book you will find practical techniques for achieving health, wealth, peace, and harmony.

You desire a happier, fuller, and richer life. Begin to use this miracle-working power and smooth your way in daily affairs, solve business prob­lems, and bring harmony in family relationships. Be sure that you read this book several times. Let the au­thor show you in these many chapters how this wonder­ful power works, and how you can draw out the hidden inspiration and wisdom that is within you. Learn the simple techniques of impressing the subcon­scious mind. Follow the new, scientific way in tapping the infinite storehouse. Read this book carefully, earnestly, and lovingly. Prove to yourself the amazing way it can help you. It could be the turning point in your life.

About the Author

Joseph Murphy (May 20, 1898 – December 16, 1981) was an Irish born, naturalised American author and New Thought minister, ordained in Divine Science and Religious Science.

Murphy was born in Ireland, the son of a private boys’ school headmaster and raised a Roman Catholic. He joined the Jesuits. In his twenties, before being ordained a priest, an experience with healing prayer led him to leave the Jesuits and move to the United States, where he became a pharmacist in New York (having a degree in chemistry by that time). Here he attended the Church of the Healing Christ (part of the Church of Divine Science), where Emmet Fox had become minister in 1931.

In the mid-1940s, he moved to Los Angeles, where he met Religious Science founder Ernest Holmes, and was ordained into Religious Science by Holmes in 1946, thereafter teaching at Rochester, New York, and later at the Institute of Religious Science in Los Angeles. A meeting with Divine Science Association president Erwin Gregg led to him being re-ordained into Divine Science, and he became the minister of the Los Angeles Divine Science Church in 1949, which he built into one of the largest New Thought congregations in the country.

In the next decade, Murphy married, earned a PhD in psychology from the University of Southern California and started writing. After his first wife died in 1976, he remarried to a fellow Divine Science minister who was his longstanding secretary. He moved his ministry to Laguna Hills, Calif., where he died in 1981. His wife, Dr. Jean Murphy, continued in this ministry for some years afterwards. (from Wikipedia)

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