Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Reconsidering Change

Fritz is right in his observations, but the bottom line is that disasters and real universe actions require real universe comparisons, which make for sanity (and common sense). The more one bases his understandings on emotive pasts or futures, one isn't considering with practical results in mind. So to that degree, liberals are insane. Explains how morals get corrupted and why there is such an odd push by the ACLU to get religion out of all government, even to its symbols. They are nuts, since they aren't thinking in the same universe as the bulk of humanity.

Religion (or at least the belief in a Supreme Being of some sort) is empirically needed by 90-some percent of humanity. People who work with their hands for a living have very solid moral codes, based on the fact that they need the tools they have to earn their daily bread with and don't want anyone messing with them. Since these people have to work as teams to get something done, they have built various degrees of trust between them, which also requires some sort of common agreements - like a version of the Golden Rule.

People who live in la-la land and believe that the great Federal/Local/State government is always going to provide for them are a bit nuts. They simply don't live fully in a real world. When the arbitrary social systems break down (Social Security check doesn't arrive, garbage isn't picked up, can't get their fix) then they are forced to use new comparatives to examine their lives around them. And so, ready or not, they start to get a bit more sane and real.

Another example of real-life analysis in action.

The Uses of Disaster (Harpers.org):

"In his 1961 study, “Disasters and Mental Health: Therapeutic Principles Drawn from Disaster Studies,” sociologist Charles Fritz asks an interesting question: “Why do large-scale disasters produce such mentally healthy conditions?” One of the answers is that a disaster shakes us loose of ordinary time. “In everyday life many human problems stem from people's preoccupation with the past and the future, rather than the present,” Fritz wrote. “Disasters provide a temporary liberation from the worries, inhibitions, and anxieties associated with the past and the future because they force people to concentrate their full attention on immediate moment-to-moment, day-to-day needs.” This shift in awareness, he added, “speeds the process of decision-making” and “facilitates the acceptance of change.”"

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