Saturday, October 01, 2005

Joi Ito's Web: Does globalization exist?

Exactly the point. McDonald's can taste better across town, even though the process is "the same". However, standards for products are more easily exported than standards for services - which require a human interface (not a standardized interface for humans).

The success at globalized services occurs at a Google level, but not within human-oriented/executed service points - where human policies are not set centrally and duplicated/exported directly. Corporate cultures (despite branding) work best when individuals are given reponsibility for production and execution against production targets. So the best corporations work as "small pieces, loosely joined". People cannot be programmed like machines/computers. So exact duplication isn't directly possible.

However, globalization - not branded, but actual product-line duplication - can work, but apparently only where few people are setting policy for machine duplication - not human/corporate cultures. More probable, actual corporate service globalization is doomed to failure just because the duplication is poor. The empirical studies of this would be through military operations, where corporate policy duplication is vitally required in order for the command channels to function.

Joi Ito's Web: Does globalization exist?: "What generalizations can be drawn? Products (McDonalds burgers, Coke, etc) globalize more quickly than services?"

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