Sunday, October 02, 2005

More on making vinegar at home - what to do with all that corn beer?

Idea is to make corn beer, then decant the beer to either create alcohol or vinegar, which can be used as an herbicide or fly distractant (makes cows' perspiration stink to flies).

Means I'll be making some special additives for my cattle to keep them healthier. The solids (mother of vinegar) below appears to be "distillers grain". Adding back in some vinegar to a daily ration will then keep some flies off them, which makes their lives miserable (as well as we feeders). Distiller's grain is higher protein, so would enable faster weight gain. Then turn the beer to vinegar, which is legal and keeps one off the Fed's list. If you make grain alcohol from it, then you have to pay their inane alcohol tax - or add chemicals to it to make it into non-drinkable 140 proof = perfect for running farm engines.

Making Cider Vinegar at Home, HYG-5346-97:

"Two factors require special attention when making vinegar at home: oxygen supply and temperature. Oxygen is spread throughout the mixture by stirring it daily and by letting air reach the fluid through a cheesecloth filter, which is used in place of a regular lid. The temperature of fermenting cider should be kept between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (F). Lower temperatures do not always produce a usable vinegar, and higher ones interfere with the formation of the 'mother of vinegar.' Mother of vinegar is a mat that forms on the bottom of fermenting wine that has gone bad.

Do not use a metal container when making vinegar; acid in the mixture will corrode metal or aluminum objects. Glass, plastic, wood, enamel, or stainless steel containers should be used for making or storing vinegar. The same holds true for making or storing foods that have more than 1 Tablespoon of vinegar in the recipe."

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