Here's your next installment:
OK, I got curious and had to dig up an old post I did years ago. What I was looking for at the time were the mathematical descriptions of action. Just action as a concept.
Once you figure out that you are pushing your own purpose forward, you run into very predictable situations. And these are described by the bell curve. And those old posts cover this far more than I need to go into here.
What is interesting is an old concept I dug up which is moving your own faith to full-on, while taking your faith in the physical universe to zip, something like zero-infinity/infinity-zero.
Your own faith in your own creative abilities needs to be proofed up against this bad habit we've all learned to think that the physical universe is showing us the way things really are. All science is bent to proving that the physical universe is cause and we are the effect. Except for the quantum physicists who have recently started breaking that paradigm, finding out that Mind controls all outcomes.
Yes, we are simply back to Huna's "The World is What You Think It Is."
The trick is to constantly release all reasons why this isn't that way - all emotions which you still co-motion with that say you simply aren't creating this universe, that you can't create a better world around you than the one you see.
T. Harv Eker covers this in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind", where he has a simple diagram which shows that the spiritual, mental, and emotional affect the physical. He laid out that the physical simply reflects the work you do in the other three - much like a print-out (or our own computer screens). If you don't like what's around you, then change your outlook, what you think, how you feel about it. Same thing those teachers in "The Secret" all said. Over and over and over.
Success is determined by how little you pay real attention to the universe around you for your motivations, and how much you generate faith in your own creative Self. (Which goes back to what we were talking about on the just-earlier post about the spiritual world having massively more potential for change than anything you can find around this physical world.)
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Now, here's all those graphs and links to who's talking about them (just to tie up loose ends...)
First, the Everett Rogers Technology Adoption Lifecycle model - shows where sales are happening, as well as utilization of product.
And then you plug in the Gartner Hype Cycle, which has more to do with how we market our products to each other and get them into actual use.
Now Seth Godin (as part of his book "The Gap") is telling people that there is a similar curve just before this one. And people who drop into the "gap" in between have some major problems.
When you marry these up (as Trashmarketing did), you start seeing how these fit together. (Sorry, their graphic was reproduced at full size.)
All very interesting data. And of course, you can get fascinated with all this stuff and look all these theories up and so on.
However, you can also easily drop-kick all of this with simple Silva-Levenson work. But it's an interesting set of observations about how the "real world" tends to operate.
A shorter approach: "Ignore the world around you and Create a new one."
And even shorter: "Just Be."
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