Friday, August 18, 2017

Not That It Matters – A. A. Milne – Writing Essays

Not That It Matters - A. A. MilneAn Eclectic Essay Collection from Winnie-the-Pooh’s Father. (With Some on Writing…)

Not That It Matters is a collection of essays that a appeared in a variety of newspapers at the beginning of the last century, sort of an upper class, mild mannered Dave Barry of the 20’s. Many were charming and generally humorous in gentle, whimsical way, as you might expect from the author of Winnie the Pooh. Some were a bit dated such as the essay about the perfect walking stick or the one about pipe smoking and there is some use of some now un-politically correct language; but others felt just as current now as they must have been then, such as the essay titled “Intellectual Snobbery” about the shame one feels about reading popular fiction as opposed to the classics or the one titled “My Library”, about the eternal quandary of how to best arrange one’s books. These essays are probably best enjoyed a few at a time over days or weeks and not all in one go.

(From Goodreads)

About the Author

A. A. Milne was an English novelist and playwright born in 1882. A student of H. G. Wells during public school, Milne went on to study mathematics in Cambridge. During his time there, Milne frequently contributed to the college s student magazine, Granta, and was so successful that he was offered a job at the British humour magazine Punch. Milne s son, Christopher Robin, was born in 1920. After writing a poem for him entitled Teddy Bear, Milne began publishing children s stories about Christopher Robin and his stuffed animals, including his bear, Winnie-the-Pooh. Milne s children s books, Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner, have since become beloved classics that have been adapted into the famous Disney franchise.

For writers, be sure to read the first and last essays. Droll, informative, and enlightening.

Get Your Copy Now.

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