Saturday, January 30, 2021

Five Acres and Independence

Five Acres and Independence

People who think they “would like to have a little farm” naturally fall into two groups; those who are sure to fail and those likely to succeed. This book is written to help both! Its presentation of advantages and disadvantages, essential farming principles and practises should enable you to decide in which class you belong and whether or not you would be foolish or wise to risk making the plunge. In either case it should be worth many times its price because, on the one hand it should prevent fore-doomed failure, and on the other, show you how to avoid delay, disappointment, perhaps disaster, but attain the satisfaction that characterizes personal and well directed efforts in farming.

When you plan an auto trip, you wisely consult a road map to discover the safest, most direct and pleasantest way to your destination. When you are actually on your way, you follow the signs and obey the signal lights, especially at the cross-roads, the branches and through the cities. Often you may have the choice of several routes and often you may be in a quandary, but by consulting the map and obeying the signs, you ultimately reach your goal.

This book aims to be a “road map” which traces some of the best routes along which you and your family may travel to happy, prosperous and interesting lives. It not only indicates the safest routes but, what is even more important, it particularly warns against blind alleys and side roads that lead to disappointment if not disaster. In this respect it differs from the usual rural life book which depicts only the pleasant features of farming. So for this reason, if for no other, it should be of signal service to you, especially if it prevents your making the serious mistakes commonly made by people who move from the cities and towns to the country.

Collection containing:

Five Acres and Independence: a practical guide to the selection and management of the small farm by Maurice G. Kains

The Farm That Won’t Wear Out by Cyril G. Hopkins

Scroll Up and Get Your Copy Now.

The post Five Acres and Independence appeared first on Living Sensical.

from Living Sensical

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