Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Colored: Golden Age Space Opera Tales

Colored: Golden Age Space Opera Tales

Slavery-Racism has spread even into future history – and has never been completely wiped out.

The modern version has the somewhat polite name of “human trafficking”. And some of that is being born at the wrong area at the wrong time.

But in the future, it’s still there – waiting for us.

We only have to read the prescient writings of those who came before us in order to understand what it is we are fighting, and why.

At least this fiction can paint a different picture than the harsh realities of our present day. And maybe give us some ideas of what can be done to eradicate it – and some courage to do so. Before that future becomes too very real…

Space Opera is a subgenre of science fiction that emphasizes space warfare, melodramatic adventure, interplanetary battles, chivalric romance, and risk-taking. Set mainly or entirely in outer space, it usually involves conflict between opponents possessing advanced abilities, futuristic weapons, and other sophisticated technology.

The term has no relation to music, as in a traditional opera, but is instead a play on the terms “soap opera”, a melodramatic television series, and “horse opera”, which was coined during the 1930s to indicate a formulaic Western movie. Space operas emerged in the 1930s and continue to be produced in literature, film, comics, television, and video games.

The Golden Age of Pulp Magazine Fiction derives from pulp magazines (often referred to as “the pulps”) as they were inexpensive fiction magazines that were published from 1896 to the late 1950s. The term pulp derives from the cheap wood pulp paper on which the magazines were printed. In contrast, magazines printed on higher-quality paper were called “glossies” or “slicks”.

The pulps gave rise to the term pulp fiction. Pulps were the successors to the penny dreadfuls, dime novels, and short-fiction magazines of the 19th century. Although many writers wrote for pulps, the magazines were proving grounds for those authors like Robert Heinlein, Louis LaMour, “Max Brand”, Ray Bradbury, Philip K. Dick, and many others. The best writers moved onto longer fiction required by paperback publishers. Many of these authors have never been out of print, even long after their passing.

Anthology containing:

  • A Bad Town for Spacemen by Robert Scott
  • The Android Kill by John Jakes
  • Tony and the Beetles by Philip K. Dick
  • The York Problem by Herbert D. Kastle
  • Race Riot by Ralph Williams
  • Marley’s Chain by Alan Edward Nourse
  • Failure On Titan by Robert Abernathy
  • Prodigal Weapon by Bill Garson
  • Against Tetrarch by A.A.O. Gilmour
  • The Blue Venus by Robert Emmett McDowell
  • Beyond the Yellow Fog by Robert Emmett McDowell
  • The Great Green Blight by Robert Emmett McDowell

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