One doesn't simply seal one's life away, all packed neatly and organized by color or time. A life is a fluid, changing subject. It never finalizes even in death, for people have different histories of that person and re-write his memory - the person himself apparently goes on to other activities (see book "What Dreams May Come").
The point is that any system has to encompass change, even to the system theory itself. At that point, such a description nears the aspect of a universal solvent, only able to be contained by itself and no other structure.
I have worked up the merest beginnings of such a system, starting with reworking analysis itself. The basic structure is there, but will never be controllable by one person or any committee. It might develop a set pattern, but this will change with human experience and understanding. The point is that a true system encorporates change and is not itself static.
Government sponsored anything has this same failing. Any promise given at the outset will fail to be executed ultimately, especially the longer the program is continued. This is the manner of the beast, since the target itself shifts. Welfare wasn't a bad idea until it continued on several generations and was utilized by some to wreck their families and create a dependent, criminal class of people - which hard-working honest people objected to having around them. Social Security was fine for the depression, but didn't take into account a declining number of people who would pay for it.
Government programs are mostly a problem as they don't adapt quickly enough. Free enterprise is far more adaptable, but quite more ruthless - those who don't get out of the way tend to get run over. Such is life. However, it is interesting that the amount of charity for the run over is greater among those who practice free enterprise than those who practice government handouts as the primary social support mechanism.
Free enterprise, supported only by loose and flexible governmental policies, is by far the best system we currently have in place. Globalism has become the far more pacifying effort on this planet than any nation or empire ever has. Two nations which are interdependent will not fight with each other. Two independent nations have little to lose. But if you study history closely, you will find that "free" enterprise is just the current evolution of the same economic forces which caused the wars to begin with. Every war we have been having can be taken back to simply economic reasons, often dressed up in ideological rags to promote it to the common people (who became cannon fodder).
Current problems to free enterprise are fanatic extremism and socialist politicians - both of which are using similar tools of PR to get people to tax the "rich" to fund the poor. Both survive only where real free enterprise has been suppressed, but the individuals in these groups (like the current American Democratic party) have personally prospered because of free enterprise, so are biting the hand which feeds them - hypocritical.
Government exists to protect and support commerce. Period. The American movement began because of commercial suppression in England and the expansion of that empire to these poorly defended shores. Continued suppression (via taxes) ultimately forced a revolt by a minority who then won freedom and created a new government. Because this new one had built-in clauses to guarantee commerce, it flourished (not without its excesses) and became the pre-eminent power on this planet - at this writing.
Other governments which didn't support free enterprise, but tried to centralize control to a handful of people, ultimately failed and continue to fail. Such will be the ultimate fate of the Saudi's and other dictatorial systems. Simply, they will be franchised to death - given enough choices, people as a whole will chose and support the most optimal solution. (Individuals can be quirky and insane in their choices, however the bulk of the people has historically chosen to survive, once the most optimal survival choice has been made possible. Groups and nations have only succumbed when such choices have been supressed or hidden.)
So our Internet age will ultimately evolve into global peace and smaller local governments, loosely coupled.
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